What’s New at ABC Center
ABC Center Philippines held a seminar on Behavior Analysis as training for professionals from various fields and for interested parents. It was focused on Managing Behavior through Antecedent and Consequence Manipulations in the Functional Analysis Model. (May 2014)
What’s New at ABC Globally
ABC Center Singapore is expanding its programs to include Play Skill Groups, Social Skill Groups and Independent Living Skills (April 2014)
ABC Center Singapore has been selected to provide training for undergraduate students of Ngee Ann Polytechnic University. (Aug 2013)
ABC Center Singapore’s first graduation and ceremony (Nov. 2011).
ABC Center Singapore has been selected as one of few private institutions to provide internship for Masteral Degree students of Clinical Psychology of the National University of Singapore. (April 2011)
ABC Center Singapore is an approved Early Intervention Center registered under the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports. (2010)
ABC’s ABA treatment is now insurance covered in the USA for Tri West Health Care Alliance, United Behavioral Health, AETNA, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, HUMANA Military Health Care Services, and Blue Shield.
Joseph Morrow presented “Recent ABA Research in Autism Treatment” in Wuhan, China in March 2011.
Joseph Morrow, Brenda Terzich-Garland, Rick Gutierrez and Mari Ueda-Tao visited Vienna, Austria, to provide a workshop and conduct behavioral assessments in June 2010.
Mari Ueda-Tao and Kristen Silliman presented a workshop in Ethiopia in 2010.
Joseph Morrow presented a paper on the History and Philosophy of Applied Behavior Analysis at Lille, France, Vienna,Austria and Singapore in 2009.
Nicole Tisdale Stephanie Sheridan, and Rick Gutierrez consulted at the ABCREAL school in Portugal in 2009.
Rick Gutierrez and Hui Ling Loh presented a workshop in Singapore in 2009.
ABC, Inc. presented a workshop on ABA principles in Portugal in March, 2009.
Connie Wong, Rick Gutierrez & Joseph Morrow were consultants to the Applied Behavior Analysis program at the University of Charles de Gaulle in Lille, France in November, 2008
Hui Ling Loh, presented a workshop in Wuhan, China in September, 2008.
Steven Richardson established in–home programs in Bucharest, Romania in September, 2008.
Joseph Morrow presented a lecture on ABA history and philosophy at the Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, Portugal in September, 2008.
Kerry Madden, Mari Ueda-Tao and Rick Gutierrez played key roles in the establishment of the ABC REAL school in Lisbon, Portugal in September and October, 2008.
Joseph Morrow met with University officials in Wuhan, China concerning the establishment of a BCBA program in October 2008.
Joseph Morrow has an in press publication on the History and Philosophy of Applied Behavior Analysis in the Romanian Journal of Special Education.
ABAI President William Heward presented a one day workshop on principles of teaching at the Sacramento campus of ABC, Inc. in July 2008.
Brenda Terzich, Mari Ueda-Tao and Natalie Preston were in Iceland establishing an ABA program in early 2008.
Robyn Matsumoto, Rebecca Akroyd, Mari Ueda-Tao and Phyllis Williamson presented a data based paper on teaching language to infant-toddlers with autism at the ABAI Conference on Autism, in early 2008.
ABC in the Global News
Special French ABA Documentary with Professor Vinca Riviere Ph.D. (International Services, France)
Teaching Vocal Imitation (International Services, Romania)
Tomi is vocally imitating and he even says “Pa” (bye) in natural context and “Da” (yes) at responding to name. He has around 20 targets already.